Snakes and Ladders
Snakes and ladders: the race to curb snakebite
mortalities in Central India
This longform
article covers roughly 150 years of research into snakebite mortalities, snake
envenomation, and the reasons of snakebite-related deaths in central Indian
states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh – known to have among the highest
death rate in India, majorly because of lack of effective medical care/availability
of antivenom, treatment of resulting complications, time taken to reach
healthcare centres, and beliefs in traditional antidotes. It also discusses the
large gap in monitoring the mortalities and how researchers are innovating
medical, ecological, and taxonomic studies of snakes and snakebite envenomation,
tied in with my experiences of snake rescue and snake awareness in and around
Kanha Tiger Reserve.
This article is a part of a book on Central India, titled Our Roots Run Wild. It is available on Amazon India:
A pleasure to read, such a thoroughly researched article with resolutions to the problem.